Dance music and mental health: what next?

Pioneer DJ spoke to a number of mental health experts and dance music professionals to write this insightful piece which recommends several solutions to what is being called a ‘mental health pandemic’ for those in the industry.  Our founder, Tamsin, suggested a range of practical measures: “dry” dressing rooms with soft drinks and healthy snacks, signage pointing to local 12-step programmes, dedicated chill-out areas and hotel bookings that allow artists a proper sleep.

“What we’re trying to do,” she says, “is reduce the risk of substance-use disorders and mental health crises by maximising rest, increasing awareness of symptoms, signposting to further support, and reminding people that they have a choice around what they consume.”

One of our founder members, integrative psychotherapist Matt Cantor is also featured.  He explains how artist’s self-esteem is tied up with the music. “How well a track’s doing on Beatport can really affect how you feel about yourself. If things are going well, then everything’s good. But a track getting a bad review or not getting enough hits on social media, that sort of thing can really spiral.”

How might an artist put some distance between their music career and sense of self? “It can be helpful to help DJs and music producers reconnect with the selves that they were before the music industry happened,” said Cantor. “The thing about DJs and musicians is they can often be swept up in a wave of activity, almost like a fantasy world. You start making a lot of friends in the music industry, and making connections around the world. But there can be a forgetting of your roots, and not tending to friendships from where you’ve come from. There can be a lot of missing friends’ weddings, missing family barbecues—all those things that give us a sense of normality and rootedness can be neglected.”

You can read the full article by clicking on the link below.

Pioneer DJ – Dance Music & Mental Health: what next?

Dr Simon Rowbottom (PsychD, CPsychol, AFBPsS): Chartered Psychologist based in Oxford.

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